Ceiling Management for Dummies and Members of Congress
I don’t like to complain, but at times it can be kinda frustrating being in…
Here’s that Answer to What’s Blowin’ in the Wind
When I was just a wee little handy-boy, there was this popular song you may…
I’ll take “Borders we can control for $200, Alex”
Sometimes when I listen to the news, I want to bury my head into the…
Fix St Louis finally gets a competitor that specializes in small jobs
You’ve probably learned that most of the home repairs you need, and the jobs most…
Let’s soberly celebrate St Patrick, the patron saint of home repairs
Wasn’t the whole idea behind holidays to give us an opportunity to reflect upon ideals…
The most appreciated, unromantic Valentine’s Day gifts
If you women out there had questions about a romantic relationship, your first instinct would…
Storage Ideas for the Corvette-Deprived
If you think finding places for storage can be a big problem, you might be…
Next time, WIN the Cold War. Be a HERO at ZERO!
It’s not unusual for homeowners to tell us we’re “heroes” for solving their long-running home…
The power struggle at your home that you must win
Really, is there ANYONE who feels intense joy at the very moment they go outside…
How many light bulb consultants does it take to change a lightbulb?
When I was just a wee little handy-boy, my favorite joke was “how many handymen…
The Byrds & The Bible: It’s a time to repair, not a time to replace
Many years ago, when dinosaurs and your humble correspondent walked the Earth, an early rock…
The Worst Handyman Mistake of All Time
In a recent dispatch from the front lines of home repairs, your humble correspondent reported…
Honor the Queen: Bring a Little Buckingham Palace to Your Home
Fix St Louis reached out to King Charles III yesterday to express our condolences on…
You Don’t Have to Live in a Crack House
Last week I spent a lot of time with folks looking to fix their water-damaged…
How to Keep Out the Waters Until it’s Time to Build an Ark
Whoa! What was THAT? I’m not gonna point any fingers on who incurred God’s wrath…
Welcome Streetwalkers into your Subdivision
I think we can all agree houses are better than they were 100 years ago….
Defeat the Heat with the Fix St Louis Tar Heels
As a busy handyman, your humble correspondent’s exposure to college sports is very limited. And…
Being “Fix St Louis” in a world where everyone else is “Replace St Louis”
Doesn’t it seem like getting your house fixed is a lot more frustrating than getting…
Elon Musk & Fix St Louis team-up for a major advance in handyman services
Your humble correspondent has had his eye on this Elon Musk fellow for quite some…
The SIX Do-it-Yourself Home Repairs We Bail People Out of Most
It’s been said that “pride comes before the fall.” You may want to check me…
Handyman prep for your U.S. Supreme Court nomination
Just another one of those humbling weeks when your humble correspondent was reminded of his…
Are you prepared to deliver an annual “State of your Street Address” address?
Imagine it’s your moment. Ready? Go! “Ladies and gentlemen. Your humble correspondent has the high…
Get that CROWDED-OUT car BACK into your garage and KEEP it there EVERY night
If your kid’s room got too messy, you wouldn’t make him sleep out on the…
Contagious Home Improvements
If your booth for accepting confessions is now open, I’ve got one to make. I…
Commencement Address to the Lockdown U Class of 2021
Well, in 2021 you made a lot of sacrifices, put in the effort, and now…
12 Days of Fixmas
This will be remembered by your humble correspondent as the year we helped countless customers…
Happy Holidays
What says “Christmas” more than a gift of home repairs and improvements? Yeah, other than…
Scary, not Scary: Don’t try these home repairs at home
No, I’m not trying to fool myself. Your humble correspondent knows he’s just an aging…
Special Garage Makeover Edition: From Total Neglect to Near-Total Neglect
There’s a good reason your humble correspondent has never spotted “Live, Love, Laugh” stenciled on…
Support the Transitioning of your Rooms to their Preferred Identities
When you spend as much time as I do working hard and poking my head…