Not to brag, but we’re even better than THEY are at Home Openers
Sure, the Redbirds just won their home opener against last year’s World Series Champs but,…
How We Can Save You From International Embarrassment
There’s a video that went “viral” this week, but absolutely no one is seeing the…
Next on Deck: Re-seal or Replace?
While the climate in our nation’s capital has been harsh this winter, our weather has…
Our screen work also gets awards, but without the glamour
I hate to break it to you young people out there, but when you get…
Fix St Louis declines to rule on Making America Grout Again
We here at Fix St Louis recognize that we do not work in a democracy,…
Build this wall! Tear down THAT wall! Sure, whatever.
Some days I get the feeling that while everyone else yakety-yacks for years about building…
Why your neighbor’s referral of a handyman is Fake News
It’s common to ask friends for referrals on any number of services – babysitters, dentists,…
Should Auld Home Maint’nance Be Forgot?
Last night, they played that song again that – truth be told – NOBODY knows…
Fix St Louis Announces its Person of the Year
This is the time of year when Time Magazine names its “Person of the Year.”…
On the 12th day of FiXmas my handyman fixed for me…
12 windows slamming11 outlets sparking10 pop-up drain plugs popping9 faucets dripping8 doors a sticking7 smoke…
It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like FiXmas
Could that really be THANKSGIVING coming up this Thursday?! Yikes!! Well, if you didn’t quite…
It’s time to reopen the investigation of your house
Seems like this year the Wednesday AFTER the Tuesday Presidential election should be designated a…
Yes, handyman services HAVE been rigged against you
As someone who is out on the suburban streets of America every day, I can…
Instapoll: Are your closet doors on the right track or wrong track?
Maybe I missed it, but with all the campaign promises made this season, I don’t…
The OTHER debate featuring hot air, smoke & slime
Well, last night’s debate was quite the spectacle. But it was not the only current…
We’re Your Ally in the Government’s War on Toilets
It’s been sad to watch the decline of American civilization during my lifetime. I’m referring,…
We’re the Fredbird for Ceiling Fan Fans
St Louisans understand better than anyone that you can still be a big fan even…
7 Life Lessons from a Subdivision Warrior
Some people dream of the free and open road. But yours truly spends his life…
Who’s better at stopping outside leaks? Us or the federal government?
Sure, outside leaks can jeopardize the security of our nation. But on an admittedly much, much more trivial…
Help Us ‘Make America Grout Again’
Ever notice how styles in home decorating, like hem lines, change every once in awhile…
1st Brexit, Now Dexit: Break free from ongoing deck staining
Britain has voted to become independent of the European Union, displaying that same spirit we…
Did your handyman disappear? Maybe he’s just not that into you.
I swear, some weeks I feel like an investigator for the missing persons bureau, handyman…
Don’t let the (storm) door hit you on your way out!
Hey, what’s with that flimsy extra door that’s right in front of your front or…
Are You Living in a Crack House? Let us mud, mortar, caulk & grout!
Can you never quite relax in your house because it’s always reminding you of what…
Are You Ready for Your Screen Test?
People talk a lot about protecting the planet, but does it sometimes seem like the…
Turn on the A/C? Don’t touch that dial! Whole House Fan Season opens today
Now that the weather outside is starting to climb above room temperature, you may be…
Think of us as Plastic Surgeons. For Decks.
While beauty may fade with age, we are not alone – it is a fate…
MIRACLE CURE for guilt associated with not staining deck enough
Many may believe that the 3 greatest salesmen of all time were PT Barnum, Veg-O-Matic’s…
The Long and Winding Trip Hazard That Leads to Your Door
OK, members of our studio audience. Let’s play JEOPARDY. The category is home repairs, and…
Your handyman weighs-in on the Pope vs. Trump feud
You have to admit, it’s not every week where the headlines feature a difference of…