1st Brexit, Now Dexit:  Break free from ongoing deck staining

Britain has voted to become independent of the European Union, displaying that same spirit we inherited from them that led to our own independence.

Like the British, we’re just not that keen on letting other people tell us what to do. So I ask you, my fellow Americans, how could we have allowed our decks, who are not even people, to force us to do things we would rather not do. Like stain them every couple of years. Whose crazy idea of the pursuit of happiness is THAT?!

The sad truth is, we have become slaves to the preservation of our decks at the hands of a lumber-stain-handyman industrial complex. They reap windfall profits while you are caught-up in a repetitive and expensive task, not to mention a staining job that truth-be-told never looks all that good anyway.

So, we hope you will join Fix St Louis and Sherwin Williams in our crusade to make the ongoing staining of your deck something of the past – something you’ll do only about as often as you’d paint your house – virtually NEVER.

Let Fix St Louis apply Sherwin Williams’ elastomeric deck product, an alternative to deck stain or paint (actually, it’s a coating). The elastomeric technology fills small gaps in your deck lumber, and the coating expands and contracts with the temperature to resist cracking.

It comes in all sorts of shades and colors, and looks much better than standard stains and paints – I can show you samples on real wood. And it doesn’t cost a whole lot more than applying regular deck stain or paint.

You’ve now spent a 3-day weekend thinking about how great it is to have independence. Now, let’s go out there and do something about it. Let Fix St Louis stain your deck one last time, then let freedom ring

Dr Steve
Fix St Louis