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Category: Electrical

Living with Tornadoes in a Post-Wizard of Oz World

Those of us living in St Louis have a more nuanced view of tornadoes than those who only know them from the opening scenes of the Wizard of Oz. When St Louisans
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They’ve set-up camp on your lawn, refuse to leave, and chant all night. What now?

These days I’m getting a lot of questions about cicadas. Like, what harm can they do to your home and how to keep them out. Ya know, this only comes
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How old is considered “old” … for a house?

A few days ago, the news ran a story about a study that asked people the age at which they’d consider someone to be “old.” For instance, people in their
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You may need help to get out of your OWN “Stormy” problems

Your humble correspondent has noticed a disturbing trend, and I wonder if it’s just me. Like just this week, I read that Prince Harry and Meghan are creating a Netflix
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Breathe New Life into Your Bathroom: Refreshing Ideas from FIX St. Louis

Transforming your bathroom doesn’t require a massive renovation. With FIX St. Louis, small changes can make a big impact. Here’s how you can refresh your bathroom efficiently and affordably with
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DIY Disaster! 5 Reasons to Hire a Handyman from FIX St. Louis

Tackling home repairs and improvements on your own can seem like a cost-effective option, but it often leads to unexpected complications and results that might not meet your expectations. That’s
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5 Signs It’s Time to Remodel Your Kitchen (And How FIX St. Louis Can Help!)

Remodeling your kitchen can breathe new life into your home’s heart, but how do you know it’s time for an upgrade? Here are five signs that suggest it’s time to
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Enhancing Home Security: Upgrade Your Doors with FIX St Louis

In the hustle and bustle of everyday life, it’s easy to overlook the importance of well-maintained doors in our homes. Yet, doors play a critical role in not only providing
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Windows Restored: Our Comprehensive Window Repair Services

Windows are the eyes of your home, offering views of the outside world while inviting natural light and fresh air indoors. However, when your windows are in disrepair, they can
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Here Comes the Sun and I Say, It’s Alright (most of the time)

The lyrics to the Beatles song “Here Comes the Sun” never feel quite right to me. Their less-than-enthusiastic review of the coming of the Sun as being just “ALRIGHT” doesn’t
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Unlocking Excellence: Elevating Your Space with Comprehensive Door Services and Repairs

Your home’s doors are more than mere entrances; they’re the gateways to comfort, security, and style. At FixSL, we understand the pivotal role your doors play in your daily life.
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Is Google Gemini AI Erasing OUR People, too?

This week, your humble correspondent learned something strange happens when you search Google for pictures of historical figures. You’re shown images that include people OF color, but that are missing people WITHOUT
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Super (Toilet) Bowls 2024 Pre-Game Coverage

Since we’re now in — what? — week 6 of ceaseless pre-game Super Bowl coverage, you probably now know everything there is to know about Sunday’s game. So I thought
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Hmmm. Maybe THAT’S why your house is as drafty as a flight on Alaska Airlines

Admittedly, your humble correspondent wasn’t there. But I’m thinking it was probably pretty easy for passengers on that Alaska Airlines flight to figure out where that draft was coming from.
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A Replacement for the Now-Discredited Gym Club Membership New Year’s Resolution

You might want to check me on this because your humble correspondent gets most of his news from TV talk shows playing in the background, with the sound muffled by
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Fix St Louis announces “Swifties” to honor Time Magazine’s Person of the Year

I suppose it’s a sign of the times that the folks who select the Time Magazine Person of the Year no longer even TRY to find someone who changed the
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How to Deal with a Kitchen as Stuffed as your Thanksgiving Turkey

While St Louis’ traffic congestion is better than most cities, not even OUR road system can handle the worst rush hour traffic.  Same goes for your kitchen on Thanksgiving. Yeah,
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Don’t repeat the Pilgrims’ fatal mistake. Invite a handyman to the table.

Ever wonder how our historical understanding of Thanksgiving would be different if textbooks were written by handymen instead of PhD’s? OK, so maybe I’m the only one. The PhD’s tell
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