I suppose it’s a sign of the times that the folks who select the Time Magazine Person of the Year no longer even TRY to find someone who changed the course of history…like past recipients Winston Churchill, Charles Lindbergh, Pope John Paul II, or Queen Elizabeth. But with this year’s selection of Taylor Swift, we’ve … Read more
Year: 2023
While St Louis’ traffic congestion is better than most cities, not even OUR road system can handle the worst rush hour traffic. Same goes for your kitchen on Thanksgiving. Yeah, your kitchen is probably fine for just about every other day of the year. But on Thanksgiving Day you have more people, more food, and … Read more
Ever wonder how our historical understanding of Thanksgiving would be different if textbooks were written by handymen instead of PhD’s? OK, so maybe I’m the only one. The PhD’s tell us that about HALF the passengers and crew died within a few months after the Mayflower arrived. But would it kill them to mention what … Read more
Look, as your handyman I’m just your humble correspondent, so I may not have this right. But is it just me, or does it seem like we keep electing people to the U.S. HOUSE who couldn’t even take care of their OWN HOUSES? Our home-owning customers are competent, and face a series of deadlines they … Read more
To be honest, your humble correspondent doesn’t have time to follow the news. But every once in a while, I’ll lift my head above the rim of the toilet and hear things from TVs in the background that get my attention. Like this week, I overheard that someone testified under oath in front of Mexico’s … Read more
As you may know, there’s now a song at the top of the charts called “Rich Men North of Richmond,” in which a songwriter from Farmville, Virginia bemoans the existence of a wealthy and powerful elite in Washington DC that makes life harder for the rest of us. So I’m thinking, doesn’t pretty much EVERYWHERE … Read more
You know, a few weeks ago I thought I had FINALLY figured out what they meant by “Artificial Intelligence,” aka “AI”. That was when that results-oriented, Harvard-educated Bud Light executive told us there wasn’t a future in the folks who drank her product, so she solved the problem immediately by getting rid of 25% of … Read more
As your dedicated but humble correspondent, I always look for ways to elevate you as a scholar in the discipline of home repairs. So for YOUR benefit, not mine, I have just returned from a 2-week “sabbatical,” going thousands of miles away and thousands of years back, in GREECE. I hope you benefit from these … Read more
I don’t like to complain, but at times it can be kinda frustrating being in a humble vocation, where sometimes we’ve got the answers, but none of the fancy people would ever think about asking us for advice. Take for instance ceilings. Not to brag, but does anyone really know more about ceilings than Fix … Read more
When I was just a wee little handy-boy, there was this popular song you may have heard of, “Blowin’ in the Wind.” It posed a series of questions that sounded real deep, but didn’t make a whole lot of sense. Then it breezily dismissed them by telling us the answer was “blowin’ in the wind.” … Read more