Accepting Virtual Reality: Time to fix-up that PERMANENT virtual home office

They said we just needed 2 weeks to flatten the curve, and you believed them.

So to continue your job virtually, you moved your computer to the basement, where you wouldn’t be disturbed by your newly at-home kids. You found and dusted off an old desk and desk lamp from your storage room, and ran extension cords to it from all over the basement. You pointed the Zoom camera back at yourself, and the roughly-painted wall behind you that was decorated with a mounted shelf with your grandmother’s Precious Moments and Cherished Teddies collections, and a poster of fallen Cardinals home run hero Mark McGuire.

But just about now, the virtual reality of it all is about to set in. This is going to be your PERMANENT office for 1, 2, or maybe even 5 days per week. Forever. Shattering dreams of someday having your feet up on a desk in a corner office. And while it may be slightly better than that Dilbert cubicle you were working in, your self-respect and your mother-in-law require you to do better than this.

You need a makeover. And while an old handyman like yours truly might not be the first person to come to mind when thinking of a “makeover,” in the year 2020 anything is now possible. So, let’s pretend Fix St Louis has a magic wand, and you are Cinderella toiling at a virtual office instead of scrubbing floors.

That Wall

Good grief, what are those incoming Zoomers to think when their minds momentarily drift away from your important pronouncements, look past your silhouette, and study your wall? Does it reinforce the idea that you are a competent, well-credentialed professional who has his/her act together in work, personal, and family life?

Fix St Louis can help transform that wall into one you might EXPECT to see in an office. We can paint it, panel it, or even shiplap it (for those Joanna Gaines Fixer Upper fans out there). We can hang shelves, pictures, diplomas, or other objects to make you seem like a smarter, kinder, more virtuous, or more successful person. We can even assemble inexpensive IKEA shelving units, so that you don’t have to embarrass yourself in front of some stupid androgynous instruction manual stick figure.

Those Wires

Today’s virtual office warrior needs a whole lot of electrical outlets. There’s desktop computers, monitors, laptops, phones, modems, bluetooth devices, and more. If you’re lucky, there’s an outlet on the wall directly behind you, and not 6′ away. Even then, chances are it’s just a duplex outlet with only 2 places for plugs, assuming neither of them are the type of plug that’s part of a bulky transformer box. Fix St Louis can install new wall outlets, in the right place on the wall, and with 4 or more places to plug-in. We can also hide those non-power coaxial TV cables, and a/v and Ethernet wires behind walls and drop or drywall ceilings.

Those Lights

Fix St Louis can put a light on the ceiling above your desk, so that you have adequate lighting and can use the space on the desk now taken-up by a lamp. We can also install a ceiling fan somewhere else in the room, where it won’t blow all the papers off your desk, assuming paper is still a thing.

Those Work Breaks

Maybe you’re now working in a basement with a yucky bathroom you’ve never fixed-up because there was never a compelling reason to — until now. Changing out the sink/vanity, medicine cabinet, and light fixtures can make an enormous difference.

And while you’re at it, if you’re changing out the vanity, you might as well have Fix St Louis install new vinyl plank flooring at the same time. Usually, installation is surprisingly inexpensive because it can simply be laid over the existing floor, it requires no fasteners or adhesive, and you don’t need much flooring to cover the small floor space. BONUS: You’ll be converting your basement into an acceptable living space for guests.

Let’s look at the bright side. You’ve lost some or all of your commute. You’ve got a full house to work in that includes a kitchen. And, you’re not limited by the unexceptional, standard-issue space, furniture, decorations, and utilities provided in a nondescript office building. Let Fix St Louis turn your office into a place fit for a Prince or Princess, and the envy of every mean Cinderella step-sister.

Dr Steve
Fix St Louis