Steve Boriss

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If you women out there had questions about a romantic relationship, your first instinct would not be to seek the advice of your humble correspondent. And, if you learned your significant other was shopping for a Valentine’s Day gift at Home Depot instead of, let’s say, Neiman Marcus, I’d bet you’d be disappointed. If not, … Read more

If you think finding places for storage can be a big problem, you might be comforted to know that no less a figure than the leader of the free world agrees with you. Imagine how dispirited this poor man must have felt when he realized he ran out of space to provide climate-control for his … Read more

It’s not unusual for homeowners to tell us we’re “heroes” for solving their long-running home repair problems — but it hasn’t gone to our heads. While keeping toilets flushing is certainly NECESSARY to sustain Western civilization, we acknowledge that Fix St Louis technicians have made somewhat fewer sacrifices than, let’s say, those at Normandy on … Read more

Really, is there ANYONE who feels intense joy at the very moment they go outside to hang Christmas lights? Sure, we will always have with us a few happy-clappy, eggnog-fueled types who are the exception. But most of us grump about tangled wires, hooks on the house that fell off since last year, running wires … Read more

When I was just a wee little handy-boy, my favorite joke was “how many handymen does it take to change a light bulb?” BWAHAAHAAHAA!!! Yeah, as if you could get a handyman to EVER return your call to change a lightbulb. Funny, but that joke has not been as funny since I started small-job-oriented Fix … Read more

Many years ago, when dinosaurs and your humble correspondent walked the Earth, an early rock group called The Byrds had THIS hit song that started like this: To everything (turn, turn, turn)There is a season (turn, turn, turn)And a time to every purpose, under heavenA time to be born, a time to dieA time to … Read more

In a recent dispatch from the front lines of home repairs, your humble correspondent reported that a surprisingly large number of homeowners leave damaged and stained walls as they are, without ever trying to fix them. While this was dispiriting to yours truly, whose modest calling is to fix things that are broken, I did … Read more

Fix St Louis reached out to King Charles III yesterday to express our condolences on the passing of the Queen, and wish him well in his new position. While he is apparently too busy to return our call right away, in fairness to him we must acknowledge that he and your humble correspondent probably don’t … Read more

Last week I spent a lot of time with folks looking to fix their water-damaged walls after the recent heavy rains. But what struck me most was how many OTHER places in their walls and ceilings had been damaged earlier that they had never thought to call us about — yellowish stains on ceilings, damaged … Read more

Whoa! What was THAT? I’m not gonna point any fingers on who incurred God’s wrath this week, causing the heavens to open up. But I think we can safely narrow it down to one particular sinner among the 58,764 residents of St Peters, where 12” of rain was recorded. Your humble correspondent knows not the … Read more