It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like FiXmas

Could that really be THANKSGIVING coming up this Thursday?! Yikes!! Well, if you didn’t quite get around to fixing those things around the house, it’s not the end of the world. Your guests will only be around for a few hours, and may not even notice if you dim the lights, keep the TV turned on, and strategically place an attractive orange traffic cone to block your bedroom hallway.

But, it actually IS the END of the world if those things aren’t fixed in time for your overnight Christmas guests. Fortunately, it is now the BEGINNING of the FiXmas season. That’s the self-explanatory time of year to fix those little flaws in your house that, for some inexplicable reason, were perfectly acceptable for your family to live with, but unacceptable for those who are not nearly as close to you.

Where to begin? We at Fix St Louis suggest you start with the potentially yuckiest parts of your home, and there’s no substance that makes things yuckier than water. Look all around toilets, showers, tubs, and sinks for yuck, and see if they need to be re-caulked or if loose tiles need to be repaired. Same thing for kitchen sinks and backsplashes.

The next step is looking for 2nd Hand Yuck. Look at the ceilings that are directly below bathrooms. If there are stains there, get those leaks fixed, get that section of drywall section replaced if necessary, then sealed and painted so that it is invisible. Do you really want your guests to engage in a conversation of what yucky event caused that stain?

OK, that’s enough for now. After all, it’s only the First Day of FiXmas – let’s not get ahead of ourselves. But you might want to call us today to avoid the FiXmas rush!

Happy Holidays and Many Happy Repairs from Fix St Louis!

Dr Steve
Fix St Louis