Build this wall! Tear down THAT wall! Sure, whatever.

Some days I get the feeling that while everyone else yakety-yacks for years about building or tearing down walls, we at Fix St Louis are the only ones who ever actually do something about them.

Geez, talk about not being able to compete with the Chinese. They built a really GREAT wall more than 2,000 years ago in the time it takes Americans to file an environmental impact statement.

We at Fix St Louis specialize in small jobs, so maybe building the Great Wall of China for you is out. But, here’s some other things you might want us to do:

  • Add chair rails, crown molding, wainscoting, or picture frame-configured trim to dress-up your dining room.
  • Fix that door knob-sized hole behind your door knob, and the more puzzling, random damage that dogs and teenage boys do.
  • Replace that Ozzie & Harriet-era paneling in your basement with drywall.
  • Convert your basement from a gray concrete-walled Soviet-style detention facility into a place you feel no urge to escape from.
  • Hang all kinds of heavy things from your walls, including TV’s. Even hide wires behind your walls.
  • Repair those settling cracks, like those angled ones that branch out from the top corners of your door trim.
  • Paint walls. And remove wallpaper, which every realtor in town will tell you is now “out.”

At least until realtors tell us that having any walls AT ALL is now “out,” Fix St Louis will be here to build and repair them – and even then we’ll be here to tear them down. Walls just seem easy to us, like no big deal. What’s everyone else’s problem?

Dr Steve
Fix St Louis