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Maybe it’s just me, your humble correspondent, but I’m sensing an escalating and disturbing trend among politicians seeking higher office. Candidates now show up at the most unexpected places, performing tasks you’d NEVER expect from them, to demonstrate they’re either just like us average folks, or they’re the exact OPPOSITE of who they’re afraid we … Read more

Our times are changing so fast, you can’t count on everyone to agree with common sense old sayings anymore. Like this one: When everyone around you tells you you’re drunk, maybe it’s time to sit down. By today’s standards, that might be considered offensive, a violation of the rights of the drunk person, and obligates … Read more

A few days ago, the news ran a story about a study that asked people the age at which they’d consider someone to be “old.” For instance, people in their mid-60’s believed old age began at 75. But over the previous years, they had raised their definition of “old” by 1 year every 5 years. … Read more

I suppose it’s a sign of the times that the folks who select the Time Magazine Person of the Year no longer even TRY to find someone who changed the course of history…like past recipients Winston Churchill, Charles Lindbergh, Pope John Paul II, or Queen Elizabeth. But with this year’s selection of Taylor Swift, we’ve … Read more

Look, as your handyman I’m just your humble correspondent, so I may not have this right. But is it just me, or does it seem like we keep electing people to the U.S. HOUSE who couldn’t even take care of their OWN HOUSES? Our home-owning customers are competent, and face a series of deadlines they … Read more

I don’t like to complain, but at times it can be kinda frustrating being in a humble vocation, where sometimes we’ve got the answers, but none of the fancy people would ever think about asking us for advice. Take for instance ceilings. Not to brag, but does anyone really know more about ceilings than Fix … Read more

Really, is there ANYONE who feels intense joy at the very moment they go outside to hang Christmas lights? Sure, we will always have with us a few happy-clappy, eggnog-fueled types who are the exception. But most of us grump about tangled wires, hooks on the house that fell off since last year, running wires … Read more