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Yeah, I know all of you are now thinking about the Super Bowl. But as your dedicated and humble correspondent, I feel morally obligated to avoid this distraction, and keep my head fully immersed in a MUCH more important bowl, the toilet bowl. And there were some encouraging and startling developments on this front last … Read more

Maybe it’s just me, your humble correspondent, but I’m sensing an escalating and disturbing trend among politicians seeking higher office. Candidates now show up at the most unexpected places, performing tasks you’d NEVER expect from them, to demonstrate they’re either just like us average folks, or they’re the exact OPPOSITE of who they’re afraid we … Read more

Our times are changing so fast, you can’t count on everyone to agree with common sense old sayings anymore. Like this one: When everyone around you tells you you’re drunk, maybe it’s time to sit down. By today’s standards, that might be considered offensive, a violation of the rights of the drunk person, and obligates … Read more

Since we’re now in — what? — week 6 of ceaseless pre-game Super Bowl coverage, you probably now know everything there is to know about Sunday’s game. So I thought Fix St Louis would provide an interlude to tell you about “Super Toilet Bowls” that might have a MUCH GREATER impact on your happiness and … Read more

I suppose it’s a sign of the times that the folks who select the Time Magazine Person of the Year no longer even TRY to find someone who changed the course of history…like past recipients Winston Churchill, Charles Lindbergh, Pope John Paul II, or Queen Elizabeth. But with this year’s selection of Taylor Swift, we’ve … Read more

While St Louis’ traffic congestion is better than most cities, not even OUR road system can handle the worst rush hour traffic.  Same goes for your kitchen on Thanksgiving. Yeah, your kitchen is probably fine for just about every other day of the year. But on Thanksgiving Day you have more people, more food, and … Read more

As your dedicated but humble correspondent, I always look for ways to elevate you as a scholar in the discipline of home repairs. So for YOUR benefit, not mine, I have just returned from a 2-week “sabbatical,” going thousands of miles away and thousands of years back, in GREECE. I hope you benefit from these … Read more

Well, in 2021 you made a lot of sacrifices, put in the effort, and now just LOOK at you! After months of spending more time in your home than you ever wanted to, you now know SO MUCH MORE about what can go wrong with your house and what to do about it. Just one … Read more