Claim Your Presidential Medal of Freedom, But Act Soon!

Have you noticed they’re suddenly giving away a whole lot of these “Presidential Medals of Freedom”?

Pretty impressive-sounding award, right? So, I naturally assumed someone like your humble correspondent could NEVER qualify for such an honor. Surely, these recipients must be serious people, who did serious things, perhaps even risking their lives so that others could be free.

But have you read the list of recipients? There’s a couple of actors, but aren’t they just people who pretend to be other people? There’s a rock star who pretends to be a foreign diplomat. There’s a non-science guy who pretends to be a science guy. And a woman who at one time lived with apes, so pretended to be one herself. It’s mostly a list of people who pretended to be people or animals they’re not.

But the truth is that YOU and all other Fix St Louis customers are WAY better than any of these pretentious folks. You know who you are, don’t pretend to be anyone else, and do things to serve people other than yourself. So whatever the accomplishments of these recipients may have been, we think simply hiring Fix St Louis should make you eligible for a Presidential Medal of Freedom. Hear me out:

  1. Whether you knew it or not, you drew from the well-known and time-proven Alcoholics Anonymous 12-Step program. You have heroically admitted to yourself that you have limitations in home repair, and have called upon a home-repair-power greater than yourself for help. That would be Fix St Louis.
  2. You have accepted that bringing-in Fix St Louis, instead of waiting indefinitely for your resident do-it-yourselfer to get-around-to-it, your home will be repaired sooner, better, and even possibly less expensively. While “pretending” may be a decent strategy to receive Presidential recognition in more glamorous fields, home repairs are part of the “real world.” There are real world consequences for projects that are drawn-out over time and not done professionally.
  3. You have come to the realization that time spent futzing around with home repair projects is time stolen from your relationships with significant others, children, extended family, and friends. A toilet that no longer runs can’t hug you back.

Someone once said that, in your eulogy, nobody will ever mention two things – what college you went to, or how many wall cracks you patched. Come to think of it, maybe that someone was me, and I just said it now.

But in any event, go ahead and apply for that Presidential Medal of Freedom right away. You earned it! But better act this weekend because – who knows?- all the qualifications might change when the new Administration is sworn-in Monday at 12 noon.

Dr Steve

Fix St Louis