Deck Restore – How to Stain Your Deck Less Often

Can you never really enjoy using your deck unless you choose not to look at it? There are splinters and cracks you don’t quite know what do about. And it looks like it needs to be stained but you don’t want to spend that kind of money too often.

Well, the deck industry has actually been working quite hard to meet the needs of deck-owners like you, even though they haven’t done a particularly good job telling you about it. They realize most people don’t really enjoy spending the time and money to stain their deck, and are willing to trade-off maintaining its natural appearance for the opportunity to stain it less frequently.

Below you’ll find our “6 Degrees of Restoration” if you are seeking to stain your deck less often!

The 6 Degrees of Restoration When it Comes to a Deck Restore

1. Transparent Stain: Highlights the wood’s natural appearance, but provides the least protection. You may have to stain every single year to protect the deck from weather.

2. Semi-Transparent Stain: Contains some pigment and more protection. So, prepare to stain every other year.

3. Solid Color Deck Stain: Now we’re getting more serious about protection, and less serious about highlighting the wood. Ought to last 4-5 years before you need to stain again.

4. Deck Paint: So, let’s forget about the wood’s natural appearance and concentrate more on overall color and protection. Maybe we’re up to every 5-6 years now.

5. Deck Restorer: Oh, there’s wood under there? Now we’re talking about layering a new thin surface over the deck boards, perhaps even filling in all the cracks and masking the wood’s overall texture. Some manufacturers claim this product will last for 12 years.

6. Composite Decking: If you like the look of wood but don’t care whether or not it’s real, NEVER want to stain your deck again, and your financial situation is comfortable, this is the right solution for you. Replace your wood boards with these. Call us and we’ll show you samples.

If you want to stain less and enjoy your deck more, give us a call and we’ll figure out the right solution for you.

Dr Steve
Fix St Louis