That Door that Makes You Unhinged

Door hinge repair Fix St. Louis MO handyman

You know what I’m talking about.

That door that’s really hard to open. Every time you grab the knob, it’s a game of tug-of-war. And it always ends the same way – the other side suddenly just gives up, the door flies open, hits your foot or throws you off-balance.

Or the door that gets stuck before it swings shut all the way, requiring a full body slam to close that last quarter of an inch and turn the lock.

How about the door that rubs against the carpet, dating back to the time you got a new, fluffier one? You’re also feeling bad that you’re wearing out the new carpet prematurely.

Unfortunately, many homeowners live with these many-times-a-day nuisances simply because they have no idea who to call to fix it. A ‘doorman’? No, those are the folks who stand guard at the Ritz Carlton. A ‘carpenter’? Not a bad idea, but the only two names people seem to be able to come up with are Geppetto and Jesus. ‘Bob the Builder‘? Only parents who have small children even know who I’m talking about, and they’re all sick of his theme song.

Don’t get unhinged with the home repairs you need to make – call us!

The answer, of course, is Fix St Louis, the company that specializes in small jobs, but does big jobs, too. That can handle just about every home repair. That’s distinguished itself in our trade not because we have great customer service, but because we have ANY customer service at all – a full-time customer service rep, professional technicians who show-up at firm scheduled times, with our work guaranteed for one full year.

Who should you call to fix your doors? Knock, knock. Who’s there? Fix St Louis.