The world has gotten so crazy, maybe I’m not supposed to use words like this anymore — but I’ll say it anyway. For those of you we’ve served, you probably noticed that the staff of Fix St Louis consists of LADIES and GENTLEMEN. For you younger folks out there, let me save you the effort of running to the dictionary. ‘Ladies’ and ‘gentlemen’ are well-mannered and considerate people with high standards of proper behavior.
But, they’re a lot more than that, too. While you might think of our technicians as JACKS of all trades, they are actually MASTERS of all trades.
Now you might think that with our country’s unemployment and labor non-participation rates being as high as they are, and the construction industry as weak as it has been, we’d have no trouble finding folks who meet our high standards. But, you’d be wrong. In fact, the only place where we can consistently recruit such technicians is from the ranks of Ranken Technical College, a unique institution that is one of St. Louis’ most unsung assets, and with whom we enjoy a close association.
While we are proud to be a bright spot in an otherwise dismal economy, continuing our rapid growth, we are dependent upon finding great, long-term employees to sustain this growth.
So, if you or your family knows a youthful, energetic lady or gentleman who is looking for a better opportunity, enjoys the challenge of fixing things and making them look as good as new, and understands the dignity of working as a professional in a highly-valued trade, let us know! Please have them send their resume to sboriss@gmail.com.