Many may believe that the 3 greatest salesmen of all time were PT Barnum, Veg-O-Matic’s Ron Popeil, and Donald Trump.
But, I’ve got another candidate. It’s the fellow who convinced people with beautiful homes to attach a stack of raw lumber to the back, commonly known as a ‘deck.” These decks require an ongoing, expensive maintenance procedure called ‘staining’, which most people don’t do nearly often enough to keep them from deteriorating, and looking really, really bad – even those fancy-schmancy decks made of cedar.
But, it gets worse. Decks often lead to ongoing anxiety among homeowners who feel guilty they have let theirdeck go. In turn, this can lead to a mental condition called ‘deck avoidance,” shunning use of their decks because it exacerbates their guilt.
So, here’s the offer you’ve been waiting for. Fix St Louis is proud to announce there is now a MIRACLE CURE for both the physical condition of decks and the mental condition of their long-suffering owners. The mad scientists at Sherwin Williams have introduced a line of products that is neither a stain nor a paint, but leaves thedeck with a COATING of . . . well, maybe you should ask Sherwin Williams.
The technology behind these products, ‘elastomeric’, allows the coating to expand and contract with the temperature to resist cracking. It even fills existing cracks. Some claim this product can look great and last more than 10 years, although it appears that the lawyers at Sherwin Williams don’t permit their selling materials to brag.
But, that’s not all! This product is sold in a kit that includes folks who can apply it. That’s us! Call now for our always-free Fix St Louis estimate, and your free estimate will be absolutely free! Why suffer from deck-o-phobia one minute longer? Operators are standing by!
Dr Steve
Fix St Louis