New ban on political photo ops at Fix St Louis jobs

Maybe it’s just me, your humble correspondent, but I’m sensing an escalating and disturbing trend among politicians seeking higher office. Candidates now show up at the most unexpected places, performing tasks you’d NEVER expect from them, to demonstrate they’re either just like us average folks, or they’re the exact OPPOSITE of who they’re afraid we think they are.

Most of the time, these appearances are harmless, like when they show-up at eating establishments, or churches, or state fairs. But just in the last 2 weeks we’ve seen a candidate clearly uncomfortable handling a gun at a pheasant hunt, and another at a shooting range where a journalist was LITERALLY HIT by shrapnel that bounced off a target, that was placed too close by someone else who also did not know what he was doing.

So I’m thinking, geez, it’s only a matter of time before some candidate is going to want to demonstrate he’s not out-of-touch, by showing-up with a hammer and a chainsaw at a home that’s being repaired. Yep, we’ll be asked to believe he’s just a typical DIY homeowner, even though he owns 7 homes, which he somehow managed to purchase on a public servant’s salary.

So as a public service to public servants, and also to homeowners who might justifiably pride themselves as do-it-yourselfers, we thought we’d shine the light on some of the more dangerous elements of home repair that we, ourselves, must keep ourselves mindful of.

Politicians and DIYers pretty much ought to stay off of roofs. Especially if you’re getting older and your sense of balance isn’t what it used to be. And especially if you live in a house with dramatic vaulted ceilings inside, and corresponding crazy-sloped roofs outside, that only a crazy mountain goat would walk on.

High Ceilings
What’s with these can lights on tall ceilings? Did the home builder expect you to change these light bulbs yourself, after he was long gone and had cashed your check? Fortunately, Fix St Louis can reach them. And while we’re up there, why not let us swap-out those fixtures with the new bulb-less kind that won’t ever burn out.

Building Materials
Some of the most basic building materials, like sheets of plywood and drywall, are 4’ x 8’ in size. They are large, heavy, and cannot be carried by an average individual. So unless the DIYer in your house has conned someone else into being a helper, or is unusually strong, the task is going to be difficult. Maybe it’s better done by Fix St Louis. Not to brag, but all of our technicians can carry these by themselves.

Electrical and Plumbing
It might seem counter-intuitive, but I think plumbing is a greater threat for the DIYer than electrical work. Most people have a natural and healthy fear of electricity, and most DIYers know EXACTLY what a boneheaded move feels like, and survived. But if you have a leak in your plumbing that you can’t stop, it can literally do thousands of dollars in damage in a matter of hours. Usually it’s best to call Fix St Louis.

So, let’s stop the insanity. By eliminating the risks from unwanted photo ops, Fix St Louis will now be offering you a whole new level of protection from visiting politicians. We’ll be preserving your privacy, while eliminating potential liability and home repair screw-ups. 

We wish we could do more to protect you from politicians, but that is not our calling. On the other hand, calling Fix St Louis could be YOUR calling. Let us at least keep YOUR house in order.

Dr Steve
Fix St Louis