Recovering from Post-traumatic Guest Disorder

How A Local Handyman Service Can Combat PTGD

You got your house all ready for your holiday guests — it hadn’t looked better all year. You put off the big repairs, because you didn’t want to deal with them then, and just fixed the small stuff that would have embarrassed you or inconvenienced your guests. They came, they wore-and-tore your house, and now they’re gone.

Now what? What’s on your “honey-do” list? Or maybe more accurately, what is on your handyman service list?

How about making those repairs that you put off, as you held your breath hoping you would not have a catastrophe until after your guests left? Generally, these are in the area of plumbing, where small leaks can over time cause a lot of damage.

How about fixing those problems that were either discovered or made more apparent when your guests were around, really putting your home to the test?

And now it’s cold outside, there’s no yard or outside work you could do if you wanted to, and you’re stuck inside staring at all your home’s peccadilloes that have been bugging you. What about those? The doors and windows that leak cold air and don’t open and close properly. Those cracks in your walls and ceiling, some surrounded by ominous water stains. Those wall switches, electrical outlets, and light fixtures that don’t work quite right or don’t work at all. Those gross things about your toilet, and those parts inside the tank that never seem to precisely do what they’re supposed to do, and sometimes hiss and chortle in a strange, water-based language.

These are all tasks that a handyman service, like Fix St Louis, can tackle easily for you. Give us a call so that you can have the peace of mind of living in properly functioning house ALL year, and not just the few weeks before your 2015 holiday guests arrive.

Happy New Year from all of us at Fix St Louis!

— Dr. Steve