Ahh, do you remember the days of families sitting in front of the fireplace for hours, listening to the sounds of crackling wood?
Well, THOSE days are sure gone! In an age when every little boy is diagnosed with ADD, and little girls are pre-occupied Facebooking, Tweeting, and Snapchatting, a fire is waaaay too boring to keep their attention. Americans just can’t shake that powerful urge to grab a remote to click away from the “fire channel.” And while some Nobel Prize-deserving inventor came up with the idea that gas fireplaces could have their OWN remotes with on-off and fire level controls, even THAT hasn’t been enough for our restless, hyper-stimulated nation.
Fortunately, I bring you good tidings of great joy. Because this Christmas season, this problem can be solved by Fix St Louis, who can mount a remote-controlled BIG SCREEN TV right above your mantel. And when I say BIG, I swear that some of you have screens that rival the Omnimax at the St. Louis Science Center.
After buying a TV, you may think that mounting it is as simple as 1-2-3. However, hanging a big screen TV is not as easy as hanging a picture. For one thing, there might be brick above your mantle, not a surface for traditional nails and screws. For another, what are you going to do with all those wires that want to hang straight down? Let them burn along with the yule log, filling your house with a burning rubber smell that doesn’t quite say “Christmas”?
Fortunately, Dr Steve’s not-so-little helpers at Fix St Louis can do some magical things to hide those wires. Like run wires behind drywall, install electrical outlets and a/v jacks behind mounted TV’s, even zig-zag wires through the cracks between bricks and bury them in mortar so no one will even know they are there!
So this season, you can watch a fire and change the channel, too! What a country! Merry Christmas and Many Happy Repairs from Fix St Louis!