While beauty may fade with age, we are not alone – it is a fate we share with our decks. They come into this world made of freshly cut lumber, and are even stained and sealed to preserve their appearance. But just like us, time, weather, the harshness of the sun, and gravity eventually take their toll.
We at Fix St Louis are proud to join the great tradition of our colleagues in the medical profession to reverse these effects, as we extend the practice of plastic surgery todecks. We would ask that you give your deck a thorough examination for symptoms, and consider whether any of the following procedures may be right for you:
- Chemical Peel– Known more commonly as “power washing,” we direct water at high pressure at deck surfaces, combined with a chemical surfactant commonly known as “soap.” It washes away dirt, grease, and loose paint, opening the deck’s pores so that the stains applied immediately afterwards sink in and grip the surface to last longer.
- Surface Pigmentation– In this procedure, we stain and seal your deck, creating a pleasing, more uniform color while preserving the lumber to extend its life. We have recently introduced a more advanced method, using an elastomeric coating instead of stain. This coating expands and contracts with temperatures to resist cracking, extending the time between re-stainings by many years.
- Grafting– If you have some rotted boards, you don’t necessarily need a new deck – you may just need some boards replaced. We perform board transplant surgery that can greatly extend the life of your deck.
- Fascia Lift– Sometimes deck problems are more cosmetic than structural. We can re-secure or replace deteriorating boards that line the edges of your deck floor and railings of your deck.
- Post Operative Surgery– The posts that support your deck may not have been built upon a proper concrete pier foundation, so may be sinking or rotting from excess contact with water. We can perform the required reconstructive surgery. We can also tighten-up loose or wobbly deck and stair railings, and perform “dental work” on the pickets.
- Deck Augmentation– If you are embarrassed by the size of your deck and would like to increase its floor space, we can handle that as well.
Call now for a free consultation, more commonly known as a “free estimate”. Unlike our medical peers, we DO make house calls.
Dr Steve
Fix St Louis