Why We Wouldn’t Creep-out Hillary

This week on the news, we all heard some quotes from Hillary Clinton’s upcoming book. And like everything else in the world, it got me thinking about Fix St Louis and the handyman business.

Secretary Clinton is claiming that at the Wash U. debate Donald Trump invaded her personal space. “It was incredibly uncomfortable,” she said. “He was literally breathing down my neck. My skin crawled.” She wonders whether she should have said “Back-up, you creep, get away from me!”

Now in our line of work, it’s far more likely for customers to ‘literally’ breathe down our necks than the other way around. But still, we recognize that every time we work in your homes we are invading your personal space — a place where you rightfully expect privacy. You want folks like us to do what we need to do as quickly, quietly, and neatly as we can, and clean-up after ourselves as if we were never there.

And that’s why we at Fix St Louis have very deliberately put in place policies to make things a whole lot less creepy. We’d like to believe that even in the unlikely event we received a service request from Chappaqua, whether to swap out a bathroom sink or server, absolutely no one’s skin would crawl.

Some of these policies for our technicians include:

  • Addressing our customers as “Mr” or “Ms” unless asked to use first names.
  • Uniforms and vehicle signage that clearly identify we are a serious, professional company.
  • Ensuring that every employee has passed a criminal background check.
  • Technicians who follow ‘Check-In/Check-Out’ procedures so you always know when we are in your home or not.
  • Work habits that minimize the ‘footprint’ of the work area, and keep it orderly.
  • Employees who are bonded and insured.
  • Leaving your home at least as clean or cleaner than when we arrived.

In fact, at Fix St Louis, you might say we run our operations as if we are always ‘ready for Hillary.’ But more importantly, we are always ready for YOU.

Dr Steve
Fix St Louis