Dear Elon, I’m not certain you’ll be sending Fix St Louis that request for 5 things we did last week, but I thought it would be safer to get ahead of this one. You may not like this, but last week ALL of our technicians spent just about ALL of their time working from home. … Read more
Doors & Windows
Look, I’m just your humble correspondent who fixes things that break. While that might not seem like much, at least we do provide a needed function to our community, and we take pride in being good at our job. But what about those whose job it is to keep our nation from being INVADED, for … Read more
We’ve all had to come to peace with the fact that we don’t live anywhere near a beach. Some console ourselves that at least we’ll never have to deal with hurricanes. Locusts? Definitely. Tornadoes? Sure. Earthquakes? Maybe. But hurricanes? Must we now worry that the trickle in the comically-named River des Peres, which on its … Read more
Last week, your humble correspondent just noticed something, and I might once again be the last person to know. I’m seeing more and more WELL-CUT and EDGE-TRIMMED lawns FILLED with weeds, ESPECIALLY in those homes where the door is answered either by a well-to-do man in an ironed polo shirt, or a woman whose every … Read more
These days I’m getting a lot of questions about cicadas. Like, what harm can they do to your home and how to keep them out. Ya know, this only comes up every few years, so at first I didn’t know. Honestly, this old handyman can’t remember which part of a broken toilet he replaced this … Read more
A few days ago, the news ran a story about a study that asked people the age at which they’d consider someone to be “old.” For instance, people in their mid-60’s believed old age began at 75. But over the previous years, they had raised their definition of “old” by 1 year every 5 years. … Read more
Your humble correspondent has noticed a disturbing trend, and I wonder if it’s just me. Like just this week, I read that Prince Harry and Meghan are creating a Netflix series on polo and cooking. So I’m thinking, what makes THEM such experts on those, to justify Netflix paying them millions of dollars? Yeah, it’s … Read more
Windows are the eyes of your home, offering views of the outside world while inviting natural light and fresh air indoors. However, when your windows are in disrepair, they can compromise your comfort, security, and energy efficiency. At FixSL, we understand the importance of well-maintained windows, which is why we’re dedicated to providing comprehensive window … Read more
Admittedly, your humble correspondent wasn’t there. But I’m thinking it was probably pretty easy for passengers on that Alaska Airlines flight to figure out where that draft was coming from. First there was a BOOM!, then there was a hole in the plane where a door had been and, if those clues weren’t enough, there … Read more
I suppose it’s a sign of the times that the folks who select the Time Magazine Person of the Year no longer even TRY to find someone who changed the course of history…like past recipients Winston Churchill, Charles Lindbergh, Pope John Paul II, or Queen Elizabeth. But with this year’s selection of Taylor Swift, we’ve … Read more