Dr. Steve’s Tips

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Not to take anything away from the achievements of Olympic athletes…but seriously, who came up with this collection of wacky events? These skills they show-off — what are they good for? Yeah, I can see that some of these skills had some practical value, maybe way back in 500 B.C. Like when that messenger ran … Read more

Our times are changing so fast, you can’t count on everyone to agree with common sense old sayings anymore. Like this one: When everyone around you tells you you’re drunk, maybe it’s time to sit down. By today’s standards, that might be considered offensive, a violation of the rights of the drunk person, and obligates … Read more

Those of us living in St Louis have a more nuanced view of tornadoes than those who only know them from the opening scenes of the Wizard of Oz. When St Louisans hear that one’s coming, we don’t immediately scramble to get home to Auntie Em, hop through a cellar door, then wait in the dark with … Read more

These days I’m getting a lot of questions about cicadas. Like, what harm can they do to your home and how to keep them out. Ya know, this only comes up every few years, so at first I didn’t know. Honestly, this old handyman can’t remember which part of a broken toilet he replaced this … Read more

A few days ago, the news ran a story about a study that asked people the age at which they’d consider someone to be “old.” For instance, people in their mid-60’s believed old age began at 75. But over the previous years, they had raised their definition of “old” by 1 year every 5 years. … Read more

Your humble correspondent has noticed a disturbing trend, and I wonder if it’s just me. Like just this week, I read that Prince Harry and Meghan are creating a Netflix series on polo and cooking. So I’m thinking, what makes THEM such experts on those, to justify Netflix paying them millions of dollars? Yeah, it’s … Read more

The lyrics to the Beatles song “Here Comes the Sun” never feel quite right to me. Their less-than-enthusiastic review of the coming of the Sun as being just “ALRIGHT” doesn’t seem to do the Sun justice. “Awesome” is more like it, as our fellow St Louisans seem to understand in the run-up to the upcoming … Read more

This week, your humble correspondent learned something strange happens when you search Google for pictures of historical figures. You’re shown images that include people OF color, but that are missing people WITHOUT color, in roles like the Pope, the Founding Fathers, vikings, Nazi war generals, and leprechauns. Now, I don’t have the ability to think like the … Read more

Since we’re now in — what? — week 6 of ceaseless pre-game Super Bowl coverage, you probably now know everything there is to know about Sunday’s game. So I thought Fix St Louis would provide an interlude to tell you about “Super Toilet Bowls” that might have a MUCH GREATER impact on your happiness and … Read more