Steve Boriss

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Now that the weather outside is starting to climb above room temperature, you may be tempted to start running your air conditioner and running-up your electric bills with it. We have some simple advice for you. Don’t. Now, don’t get me wrong – air conditioning is great and all that. It has made the development … Read more

While beauty may fade with age, we are not alone – it is a fate we share with our decks. They come into this world made of freshly cut lumber, and are even stained and sealed to preserve their appearance. But just like us, time, weather, the harshness of the sun, and gravity eventually take their toll. … Read more

Many may believe that the 3 greatest salesmen of all time were PT Barnum, Veg-O-Matic’s Ron Popeil, and Donald Trump. But, I’ve got another candidate. It’s the fellow who convinced people with beautiful homes to attach a stack of raw lumber to the back, commonly known as a ‘deck.” These decks require an ongoing, expensive … Read more

OK, members of our studio audience. Let’s play JEOPARDY. The category is home repairs, and the answer is…”Yes, I need to do something someday before someone gets hurt”. Tick-tick-tick-tick-buzz. Nobody? The question was “What does “Fix St Louis hear every time they point out uneven walkway slabs (also accepted: a sunken last slab that makes the … Read more

You have to admit, it’s not every week where the headlines feature a difference of opinion between the worldwide head of a church offering eternal life and a businessman boasting a rather short-lived string of self-named offerings that have included an Atlantic City casino, steaks, vodka, a board game, neckties, an airline, and even a … Read more

If you spent Super Sunday sitting on a couch for hours, consuming large quantities of salted snacks, dip, and adult beverages, while watching Super Athletes compete, you may be feeling an urge to get up and get some exercise. But, it’s cold outside. And, let’s face it, you’re not exactly an IronMan or IronLady type who likes … Read more

Many Missourians are frustrated this election season. Given that our March 15th Presidential caucus is still weeks away, we simply won’t have as much impact on the outcome as our Iowa neighbors to thenorth. We at Fix St Louis feel your pain and have decided to do something about it. We have a plan that, in the meantime, will give you … Read more

For many, the best Christmas lights are the tail lights of their holiday guests. Sure, you love those people and were thrilled to see them. But let’s be honest; you scrambled around for a month or so getting ready for them. And that’s also when you noticed all those little things that revealed the state … Read more

Ahh, do you remember the days of families sitting in front of the fireplace for hours, listening to the sounds of crackling wood? Well, THOSE days are sure gone! In an age when every little boy is diagnosed with ADD, and little girls are pre-occupied Facebooking, Tweeting, and Snapchatting, a fire is waaaay too boring … Read more