The tell-tale signs are all around us. Your favorite radio station just switched to Christmas music, Schnucks is pushing whole turkeys. Furniture stores are running semi-annual going-out-of-business sales. This can only mean one thing – the FiXmas season is upon us. Sure, it’s the season of gratitude, joy, goodwill to men, blah, blah, blah, yadda, … Read more
Month: November 2017
(Loosely based on “Paul Revere’s Ride” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow) Listen ye homeowners and you shall hear,That the holidays are drawing near.Soon Thanksgiving, then December twenty-five;Hardly a homeowner is now alive,Who’s not dreading guest visits this year.Guests will arrive by land, and some by air,Only to find their host’s home in disrepair.Causing said host’s reputation … Read more